Sclerotherapy. It is utilized in the treatment of small vessels with varicose. Here the vessels expanded are blocked by the injection of various drugs into them.
Laser. It is the treatment of the capillary vessels by the use of the laser ray applied on skin surface. While in EVLT the laser ray is applied through the vessel under the skin, here it is applied to smaller varicoses from the skin surface. It can be applied with or after sclerotherapy.
The laser treatment also can be made use of in the treatments of the capillary vessels in the face and the body, natal vessel lesions like hemangioma, Psoriasis-mother of pearl disease, Rosa disease, active acnes, stains and wrinkles connected to aging and the epilation of the undesired hair.
Phlebectomy. It is the removal of the large vessels with varicose by short cuts made on them region by region. It can be administered in doctor’s office or in the operation room.
Stripping. It is the removal of the large vessels with varicose surgically. Here generally by the help of cuts made at the groin and wrist regions, the stripper apparatus is placed into the vessels and the vessel is removed through its entire length. It is applied under anesthesia and at the operation room.