Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty is reshaping of the abdominal wall by removal of the excess fat and skin resistant to weight loss in conjunction with tightening of the belly muscles.
The candidates most suitable for tummy tuck are the patients in which the skin has lost its elasticity and has sagged.
Tummy tuck is also very useful after excessive weight loss for reshaping of the abdominal wall. After excessive weight loss, sagging skin in the belly, arms and legs may be removed and the body is reshaped to a more youthful appearance.
Technically, abdominoplasty is performed using an incision at the bikini line to remove the excess fat and skin in the lower abdomen. During the procedure, the waist is also thinned
by tightening of the belly muscles. Depending on the needs
of the patient, one of the classic adominoplasty, miniabdominoplasty or marriage abdominoplasty techniques may be chosen. Duration of the procedure is about 2-3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Hospital stay is generally 1-2 days. Return to work is usually in 2-3 weeks, and heavy exercises may be started in 4-6 weeks.
Main risks of the procedure are temporary swelling and bruising, bleeding under skin, decrease in skin sensation, infection, skin damage and distinct scarring.