Face-Neck-Brow lift
Lifting procedures are rejuvenation procedures of the face, neck and forehead regions by removal of the excess sagging skin and the underlying soft tissue which has lost their elasticity by aging. The candidates most suitable for this procedure are the patients above middle age with loose skin and deep wrinkles.
Technically, face lifting procedures are performed using varying incisions at the hair bearing areas of the temples and forehead, and behind the ear to remove the excess skin and tighten the underlying soft tissues depending on the needs
of each patient. Likewise, in patients with mild to moderate aging, brows and facial skin may also be lifted either endoscopically or using threads passed under the skin using very small incisions at the hear bearing temple and forehead areas.
Neck lift procedure is a relatively simple and a very effective procedure performed using a small incision about 2 cm in length under the chin to reapproximate the separated and sagging neck muscles giving back the neck its youthful sharp appearance.
Surgery time varies depending on the procedure and it ranges from 1 hour in the thread lift and neck lift procedures to about 5 hours for the full face lift procedure. As per anesthesia, the thread lift procedure may be performed under local anesthesia, the neck lift under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation and the face lift procedure under general anesthesia. Hospital stay is usually not necessary. However, facelift patients may stay in the hospital overnight
if chosen. Return to work is usually the next day after the thread lift, 1 week after the neck lift and about 2 weeks after the face lift.
Main risks of the procedures are temporary swelling and bruising, bleeding under skin, infection, asymmetry, nerve damage and distinct scarring.