Skin Cancers

Skin cancers are the most frequently seen cancer type. As it is possible to see them all over the body, nearly 80 % of it appears in regions which face the sun like the head, face and neck. Most frequent cancers in the order of frequency of appearance are basal celled cancer, squamose celled cancer and melanoma whereas other types of skin cancer also exist. In the treatment of skin cancers surgery and radiotherapy methods are utilized.

In the surgical treatment of the skin cancers the cancerous tissue is removed with the unaffected healthy tissue area around it. The limits of the healthy skin around the cancerous tissue changes in the degree of malignancy. The tissue void (defect) which appears afterwards depending on the region it is found and on the largeness of the void is restored through various methods. Here in the primary restoration skin graft and different skin leaves can be used. It is cared that the restoring abides by the aesthetic rules, the tissue voids in the face coming first. The sentinel lymph gland biopsy can be applied as to whether the fatal cancers of the melanoma type have or not have spread to the lymph gland to which it will spread first.

The duration of operation of the performance varies between 1-2 hours dependent on the type of cancer and the region effected and can be applied in the clinic or the operation room.
Local anesthesia, intravascular sedative drugs, general anesthesia can be applied. Dependent on the type of the attempt going back to work varies between 1-3 days, going back to heavy exercises between 1-3 weeks.

Main risks are infection, bleeding, skin damage, structural disorders, sometimes permanent scars and unableness of the removal of the cancer at first attempt totally or the reappearance of it. If it is determined as a result of biopsy that the cancer had not been removed, the remaining part can be removed by a second interference