God Gave Me the Opportunity to Perform Every Operation
Doc .Dr.Tuğrul Kihtir, who had returned from USA where he stayed for 16 years, when he was working as Head of Bismarck UND School of Medicine Plastic Surgery Center, declares that plastic surgery provides “visible justice” in between the humans. The successful doctor of 43 years of age, explains the reason for our encounters of people looking like each other because of plastic surgery operations by plastic surgeons who can not leave their habits.
*You have returned to Turkey after working in USA. What difference is there between USA and Turkey from the view of plastic surgery? In USA plastic and reconstructive surgery is a method appealed to and made use of frequently. In Turkey on the other hand, when plastic surgery is mentioned, aesthetic surgery comes first. However, aesthetic surgery covers in average 15-20 percent of the operations performed by aesthetic surgeons. Also people in USA –I think for material and cultural reasons- appeal to plastic surgery much more. This is not the situation in Europe and in our country. This goes for aesthetic surgery also. As an example nearly 40-60 percent of the women whose breasts are removed have new breasts constructed.
*Which Operations Do You Perform Weightedly?
Plastic surgery is a wide area and God gave me the opportunity to perform almost every operation. But amongst these operations I perform breast surgery, nose aesthetic surgery, lip thickening or removal of wrinkles operations like collagen injection more frequently. Also I perform fat injections. I am in favor of the using of person’s own tissue, so a foreign material does not enter your body. To the lips, cheek bone that is wherever there are wrinkles it can be injected.
*In Turkey mostly it is gone to the aesthetic surgeon for nose and breast. How is this order in USA?
There of those who have aesthetic operation 90 percent are women. The most frequently performed operation is liposuction in both men and women. In women breast enlargening, in men elimination of wrinkles and nose correction are the most surgical interferences performed.
*All right, why do you think Turks have fixations in relation to their noses?
There are different formations in different races. For example, while in the people of West and North Europe exists small and high nose, noses in the people of East Mediterranean, Caucasus and Middle East are big. That is the nose is not a fixation of the Turkish person, it is the result of a geographical situation.
*What are the trends in aesthetic surgery in the recent times? In the last years men want noses like Brad Pitt’s. But people gets conscious now, they start asking for what will become them. In any case for me in aesthetic surgery the aim should evolve a result of what will become the person.
*Does it disturb you that some people start looking like each other because of aesthetic surgery?
It does disturb very much, perhaps plastic surgery is misunderstood. What differentiates a good plastic surgeon from one ordinary are the results obtained. Not fabrication but what is suitable for the person should be reached at. I suppose it is hard to change the habits of plastic surgeons. Because the hand of most of them get used to doing the same thing all the time.
*‘The topic of ethics’ has been being debated frequently. To you what is ethics, what it is not?
Ethics is primarily uprigthness and morals. For a plastic surgeon to be ethical, he should behave uprightly to his patient, he should not perform an operation not suitable only for money, he should acknowledge his patient, if it is not an operation he can perform he should orient to another doctor and should enter into upright relations with colleagues.
*Is there a thing you say “I do not perform because of ethical reasons”?
As the requirement of my profession I am a specialist in surgery, there is not an operation I can not perform. Bu I may not want to perform some operations to some patients. For example, a very beautiful lady had come, the problem she had wanted me to correct was a very small, unreal complaint, on which even a surgical diagnosis was not possible to denote. I told her she did not have a problem related to that topic. I could have operated that patient, but I did not, because it was not ethical from the point of surgery. I am on the side of utilizing the HUMANS’ own tissue, in this manner a foreign material does not enter your body.