Breast Cancer
Breast cancer, is one of the cancer types which can be diagnosed early and when diagnosed early in which positive results can be obtained. It is the most frequently met cancer type in women. According to statistics it occurs in one in every 9-10 women.
Among the factors which increase breast cancer risk are the presence of cancer story in the first degree relatives in the family, the early occurrence of the first menstruation, (below the age 12), late menopause (above the age 30), cigarette smoking and the pathologically risky breast biopsy story of the person.
Breast cancer can be diagnosed early by self-examination made every month of the person starting at the age 20, periodical mammography and examinations by a specialist doctor. It is suggested that examinations should be made in general after menstruation between the days
7-21. Yearly periodic mammographies in general should get started with after the age 40.
Breast cancer in general appears as a single, of hard consistancyı, painless and getting bigger mass by time. On the other hand mammography can make possible in early stage before cancer reaches a size as big as can be felt by hand. The treatment of breast cancer shows variety in accordance with the stage it is diagnosed at.